There was a cloying chemical smell in the car, which he recognised but couldn't name. The fear was back now, real, smothering fear the made him feel sick and caused his whole body to shake. 'What's going on! Tell me, please!' The well-known face turned towards him and stared him straight in the eye. 'It's simple. Your're dying. Sleep tight.' When the managing director of Wainwright Enterprises dies in suspicious circumstances, his shocking will throws his business and his family into turmoil. Then another member of the firm is brutally murdered and DCI Andrew Fenwick is called in to investigate. Uncovering layers of corruption at every turn, Fenwick realises the Wainwright family has more than its fair share of skeletons in the closet.
Publisher: Alison & Busby
Publication date:2008
Pages: 438
Weight: 230g